We are currently conducting both online and in-person studies!
Online Studies- Participate from home!
Hi Stranger (17-19 months)
Sign up here to participate!
This study is investigating how toddlers interact with strangers over video format. We are interested in whether toddlers will engage with a stranger over video and whether we can systematically measure how much they engage with a stranger. You can access the study on our partnership website with MIT called Lookit.
Share with me (15-17 months)
This study is currently paused, but check back in the future for availability!
We are interested in how information about whether two people are friends will influence children’s expectations of whether people will share things equally. You can access the study on our partnership website with MIT called Lookit.
Social Network Survey (6 months – 5 years)
We are not currently collecting any data for this study!
We are interested in children’s social networks before and during the COVID-19 pandemic to track how the people children interact with changes over time! We are looking for parents to fill out a short online questionnaire and survey that should take less than 30 mins to complete.
In-person Studies- Visit us on campus!
VPEEG (8-11 months)
Contact us if you are interested in participating!
In this study, we are investigating how babies’ brain activity changes according to the language people speak. To measure babies’ brain activity, they wear an EEG hat that records their brain waves. This is a passive, baby-friendly method used to record brain activity. This is an in-person study and will involve a one-time visit to our lab in Hyde Park, Chicago.
ManyBabies (18-22 months)
We are not currently collecting any data for this study!
This study is interested in what toddler’s understand about what others know, and how that may influence others’ behavior. To measure your child’s understanding of what others know, we use an eye-tracker that uses cameras to record where your child is looking as they watch brief movies of animated animals. This is an in-person study and will involve a one-time visit to our lab in Hyde Park, Chicago.
Questions about how our online studies work? Find additional information HERE!